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Marketing Civil Engineering Firms Today – An Interview On The Civil Engineering Podcast

Recently I had the honor of being interviewed by the inspirational, Anthony Fasano, PE on The Civil Engineering Podcast. The topic was about marketing for civil[...]

The Crucial Case For Case Studies

Recently, my team and I at Xcellimark were doing a competitive analysis for a major firm who wanted to know how their digital marketing strategies were performing[...]

Never Ignore Post-Sales Lead Nurturing. Here’s Why!

After years of experience and research, we have found a common thread within all industries and feel the need to address the problem: Lead nurturing post-sales. Lead[...]

Give Your IT Customers What They Want Through Personalized Marketing

Have you heard the latest? It’s not about you anymore. I know that hurts and it may be a little bit shocking, but marketing is no longer about you, your products or[...]

Inbound Marketing Like the Big Boys. You Can Do It!

In today's business landscape, the consumer has more power than ever. Search engines, social media and other Internet resources have empowered people to educate[...]

3 Tips for Establishing Yourself as the Top Dog Realtor in Your Area

About 2 million real estate licensees remain active on average and the number of real estate brokerage firms nationwide is approaching 100,000, according to[...]

Busted! 3 Inbound Marketing Myths Held By Engineering, Construction & Architectural Firms

The Internet has turned the business world upside down now that more and more people do Internet research prior to making a buying decision. They come prepared with[...]

For Inbound Marketing Content Is Key, But It Can't Stand Alone

Some companies believe that content is pretty much the only component of an inbound marketing campaign, so they tend to neglect other essential parts such as[...]

5 Ways Inbound Marketing Helps Your Engineering or Construction Firm

Many engineering and construction firms rely on RFPs for business, so it's easy for their marketing team to assume that inbound marketing isn't necessary. However,[...]

5 Content Creation Tips for Engineers to Kick Start an Inbound Marketing Strategy

For engineering firms looking to generate new leads and clients, the benefits of inbound marketing strategies can seem especially abstract. After all, engineers live[...]
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