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3 Ways to Write Appealing Blog Headlines

Written by sandyD | Jun 7, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Writing blog articles frequently can pose several challenges for the writer. Writers sometimes find it challenging to keep coming up with topics of interest; the second challenge is making sure your content is useful and informative for your audience. However, once these two challenges are overcome, the third one can make the most difference - determining an adequate headline that will influence your reader to actually read your blog post.

Since you are obviously familiar with the content area for which you write, a little research can help you find the topic. Reading other blogs of interest to you and your topic can often inspire an idea for your own articles. Once your idea materializes, you can develop it with your own personal style in creating good content. As far as headlines go, here are a few suggestions that can be helpful – at least I hope so!

How-To Headlines

One of the most popular types of headlines is to let your reader know that you are going to demonstrate to them how to do something. Including the words “How To” at the beginning will be a sure indicator that the reader will find simple guidelines within the article. Be sure your content follows up and delivers as this one does: How to Be Irresistible at Any Age.

Question Headlines

Many writers find that asking a question with their headline works well. When incorporating this method, a writer must be sure that the question posed is actually one that readers want to know the answer to. As with every type of headline, the question has to be an interesting one and the blog post should always answer the question within the content. Here is an article that caught my attention with a question headline: Why Do We Waste So Much Food?

Reasons Why Headlines

If you are familiar with blogging, you’ve no doubt seen headlines that tell you a specific number of reasons why something is worth reading. As I was researching and looking for good examples for this article, I came across this interesting article. The headline caught my eye, 38 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 38 Years , and the content did not disappoint me.

There are many other ways to create an interesting headline; these are 3 of my favorites though. As you are coming up with the headline for your next article, be sure to consider what type of headline will work best for the particular topic and content you are writing about, and include your most important key word(s) in your title.

If you’re a blogger, which techniques work best for you in creating influential headlines? Leave us a comment and share your thoughts with us. Happy blogging!