Give Thanks for These Top 5 Ways to Build or Rebuild High Quality Links to Your Website

In the wake of Google’s Penguin algorithmic updates, web marketers are left with the all-consuming task of getting rid of all low quality links that are affecting search engine optimization efforts. Building high quality, authoritative links is still an essential part of every website marketing strategy and there needs to be a purposeful and concentrated effort. Link Building is a long and tedious task that, if done properly, your website has a greater chance of reaping the benefits of Google page 1 rankings. Listed below are the five ways you can build/rebuild high quality links to your website.
1. Disavow Low Quality Links with the new Disavow Links tool from Google. It seems awkward that Google is doing this since Google has already found and penalized your site for low quality links. Additionally, Google has already discounted them with the Penguin algorithm changes. The reason behind this tool is for you to acknowledge the poor links and to start building quality links. For more information about the Google disavow links tool you can view the You tube video (
2. Build high quality links from authoritative and relevant global web directories. A little bit of good goes a long way to counteract the effects of a Penguin penalty. Xcellimark has been consistently recognized as a leader in High quality link building practices.
3. Engaging in Social Media sites. Social media sites that are linked to your website such as Facebook and Pinterest will also help build additional high quality links to your site. The more interaction you have, the more links you can build.
4. Social Bookmarking. Booking your blog articles in social bookmarking sites is a great way to build quality links and send traffic to your site.
5. Patience. The mess took a while to make and it will take a while to clean up. Don’t expect your search engine ranking to immediately return once you are finished disavowing the low quality links.
As you can see, there are many ways to generate many high quality links with the proper link building strategies. If you implement the right link building strategy now, you’ll have fewer worries about conforming to Penguin updates in the future.
Disclaimer: Link Building is a part of a holistic Search Marketing Strategy and should not be implemented independently but rather as a part of a bigger optimization effort. Consult with one of our marketing consultants for more information on how to best implement this piece of the Search Marketing Strategy.