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Xcellimark Launches New Website for Simply Florida Real Estate That Makes It Easy For Potential Buyers

Digital Marketing Agency Xcellimark recently launched a new realtor marketing system for Simply Florida Real Estate. Simply Florida Real Estate is comprised of a[...]

Xcellimark Launches New Website & Integrations for PlusOne Solutions®

Orlando's award-winning digital marketing agency Xcellimark recently worked with PlusOne Solutions® to launch an updated and responsive website optimized for all[...]

Utilize Twitter As A Listening Tool To Find Prospects

Twitter has grown enormously in quite a short time. Over that time this social media tool has developed to include direct messaging and hashtags, and a wide variety[...]

How to Create an Attention-Grabbing Instagram Profile

I don't know about you, but I'm an Instagram addict! At any time of the day (or night), I can be seen grabbing my phone or tablet to scroll through my feed for the[...]

How To Create A Stir With Your Blog Posts

The blogging world is a vast realm, and obscurity is the biggest hurdle for most writers. Being found and read when there are so many other websites and blogs[...]

3 Ways To Increase The Visibility Of Your Blog Posts

Producing and developing a blog is a great way for companies to not only gain more customers but also to express their brand and personality; however, creating a[...]

Fan Promotion On Pinterest

No matter how much money might be saved by taking a DIY approach to online marketing, it can be costly in terms of time. Wouldn’t it be better to get your customers[...]

Yahoo Partners With Yelp On Local Search

A new deal between Yahoo and Yelp looks set to shake up the local search market. Emerging on Friday, the deal involves building Yelp’s reviews and local data into[...]

Facebook Forecasts Are Looking Good

Judging by the way the markets are behaving in anticipation of Facebook’s annual earnings report, which will be released tomorrow, it seems that reports of the[...]

Pinterest Creates Personalized Home Pages

When Pinterest declared last summer that it was looking at new ways of personalizing comment, some people in the social media marketing business wondered if this[...]

Facebook Extends Its Ad Network

After hinting at the possibility for years, Facebook has finally begun testing a new approach to advertising by delivering ads directly to third-party mobile apps.[...]

Google Takes Action Over Malware

Just weeks after Yahoo was caught up in a malware scandal surrounding its ads, Google has stepped in to withdraw two Chrome browser extensions that were found to be[...]

Twitter Refreshed To Reflect Mobile Interface

Twitter is rolling out a new look this week; however, it is one that some users will already be familiar with, as the interface used for IOS and Android has been[...]

Yahoo Hones In On Contextual Search With Aviate

Following last week’s hacking scandal Yahoo has come out fighting, with CEO Marissa Mayer putting on quite a performance at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las[...]

Bing Targets Awards Event Fans

Most people on the internet love movies, right? Bing certainly thinks so, and this is why it has launched a brand new awards site focused on the upcoming Golden[...]

Google Admits Social Media Mistake

It was the company's biggest mistake, said Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt, and it will never happen again. He was referring to his failure to anticipate “the[...]

The Rise Of The Chromebook

The end of the year always sees a flurry of interesting sales statistics released, and this year is no exception. One of the most dramatic stories to emerge from[...]

Facebook And Mark Zuckerberg To Face IPO Lawsuit

It is over a year and a half since it happened, but a court ruling revealed yesterday means that Facebook is now set to face charges over the handling of its[...]

Blaise Agüera y Arcas Quits Microsoft For Google

The rivalry between Microsoft and Google rarely gets more intense than when it comes to personnel. With only a very few people considered top-level talent, both[...]

Black Friday And Thanksgiving Reveal Growth Of Mobile

Sales data is now beginning to emerge from Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and it looks like the big winner is the mobile sector. Mobile sales were up 43% on last[...]

A Personal Response – From A Machine

In 1950, Alan Turing posed the question: will there ever be a machine that can successfully imitate a human? In recent years, several machines have come close to[...]

Public Wi-Fi Hotspots – The Risks

Keeping things up to date on a busy business website or social networking site is essential to stay ahead of the competition, but it can be very time consuming. Many[...]

Could Microsoft Sell Bing?

In less than a year, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer will retire. Former Nokia man Stephen Elop is hotly tipped to take the top job, and Elop is said to have a priority[...]

Understanding Hashtags

The day after Twitter’s remarkable stock market success, it is worth taking a look at one of the features that helped it grow to the point where this was possible.[...]

Myspace Returns

Ten years after its launch and five years after it began to decline, Myspace is back. The last four months have seen unexpected growth at the once-forgotten social[...]

Yelpers Fight For Wages

Four individuals who have frequently posted reviews on Yelp announced this week that they are bringing a lawsuit against the review site for breach of the Fair Labor[...]
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