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How to Use Action Sets and Workflow Categories | HubSpot Tutorial

How to Use Action Sets and Workflow Categories | HubSpot Tutorial

HubSpot Training Video Overview

  • HubSpot Workflow Actions Organization: The actions in workflows are now organized by type, including communications, CRM, marketing, operations, and connected apps, for streamlined navigation and usage.
  • Introduction of Action Sets: A new, flexible feature that allows users to create, name, describe, and manage reusable sections of actions for workflows. These action sets, similar to modules in emails or pages, streamline workflow automation, save time, and enhance customization. They’re available in the Enterprise tiers of Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, and Operations Hub.
  • Locating Branches and Delays: In the updated workflow interface, branches and delays are easily accessible at the top of the action menu, alongside action sets and connect app buttons.


How to Use Action Sets and Workflow Categories

Welcome back to Xcellimark’s ‘How to HubSpot’ series, where we’re on a mission to streamline your CRM experience. In our fifth video, we’re excited to discuss the latest updates in HubSpot’s workflow management—specifically, the innovative use of action sets and workflow categories.

HubSpot has transformed the way we interact with workflows. Gone are the days of sifting through a monotonous list of actions. Now, actions are neatly categorized, making it easier than ever to find exactly what you need. Whether it’s communications like emails, notifications, and messages, or CRM updates involving property fields and records, everything is organized intuitively.

Under the CRM category, you’ll find all the tools necessary for backend operations—those crucial tasks that keep your data clean and your operations running smoothly. This is where the magic happens, where tasks are created, and records are updated without ever facing the customer.

When it comes to marketing, HubSpot keeps it focused with categories for ads and static lists. It’s important to note that active lists are self-updating and don’t require workflows to stay current. However, if you need to add or remove someone from a static list, workflows are your go-to solution.

For those with Operations Hub, prepare to be amazed by the possibilities of custom coding, webhooks, and data formatting. This is where you can ensure your number fields are set correctly and names are properly cased, maintaining the professionalism of your communications.

Now, let’s talk about action sets. This brand-new feature is a true efficiency-booster, akin to saving modules in the Marketing Hub or CMS for future use. Imagine having a section of an email or a layout that you know you’ll use repeatedly. With action sets, you can save these elements and easily drag them into new workflows as needed—a significant time-saver.

It’s like having a library of your best work at your fingertips, ready to be deployed whenever you need it.

Creating an action set is a breeze. Even if your workflow is already built, simply hit the plus sign, name your action set, provide a description if desired, and choose whether to start from scratch or copy actions from the current workflow. Edit as needed, save, and voila! You’ve got a reusable action set at your fingertips.

For those integrating third-party apps, you’ll find them under the connected apps category. And if you’re searching for the essential tools like branches or delays, don’t worry—they’re prominently placed at the top, ready for you to incorporate into your workflows.

Let’s say you’ve developed a customer check-in task that’s proven to be highly effective. By creating an Action Set for this task, you not only save time but also ensure that every customer receives the same level of attention and care.

Editing your Action Set is straightforward—remove what’s not needed, tweak it to perfection, and save. Now, you have a standardized process ready to be utilized whenever the need arises.

Join us as we continue to explore the depths of HubSpot’s workflow capabilities. At Xcellimark, we’re not just about teaching you the features; we’re about helping you make them work for you, ensuring your digital marketing strategies are as effective and efficient as possible.

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