Twitter Mouseover Security Flaw
Update as of 9/21/10: The issue has been resolved. For more information, click here.
Before you log-on to Twitter this morning be forewarned: a new Twitter security flaw has been detected.
People are Tweeting large black blocks of text embedded with code which results in a mass amount of error messages. If you hover over the code with your mouse, it can redirect users to third-party websites without their consent and from what we’ve heard most of those websites are not good.
For now it looks like the bug is only affecting Twitter’s web interface so you should be safe using third-party apps such as TweetDeck or your cell phone apps to access Twitter.
Twitter is currently working on the problem. According to their status blog post this morning: “We’ve identified and are patching a XSS attack; as always, please message @safety if you have info regarding such an exploit. We expect the patch to be fully rolled out shortly and will update again when it is.”
*Image from