Caye International Bank Launches New Website and Informational Blog

It’s been a delight working with Caye International Bank as they partnered with Xcellimark to upgrade and enhance their online presence through a new website and content marketing program.
Caye International Bank, located on beautiful Ambergris Caye Island, Belize, offers a wide array of international banking services besides just savings and checking accounts. They also offer international loans, foreign currency accounts, letters of credit, international investments, wire transfers and prepaid MasterCards.
An Information-Rich and Easy to Navigate Website
The new website helps people more fully understand the benefits and options of each of these services and provides an easy way to contact the bank for more information. The site also hosts a library of downloadable forms to help you get started on your path of attaining an offshore account, certificate of deposit or a loan.
Customers of the bank can set up their own secure login to conveniently and easily access their account online from anywhere in the world. Navigating the website to find the services you are interested in or to login to your account is easier than ever.
Blogging to Help Customers Understand Offshore Banking
Finally, Caye International Bank has also started a Content Marketing campaign to help them distribute helpful information about international banking, investments, taxes, security, currencies and more. The bank is building a wealth of information to help the average person better understand the ins and outs of offshore banking and investments.
With so much misinformation being thrown about in reference to international banking, the Caye International Bank Blog helps provide a clearer message of the pros, cons, benefits and options involved in offshore banking and investments. What most people will find is that you don’t have to be a “1 percenter” to enjoy the benefits of an offshore bank account – it’s open to most everyone who wants to diversify.
Visit the new Caye International Bank website and check out the wealth of information available to you and see for yourself how easy it is to do business abroad.