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5 Bad Blogging Practices That Will Turn Your Readers Off

With the click of a button, we can share information with the entire world – instantly! It’s amazing to think about how far we’ve come in being able to share information.

From the time when everything had to be written by hand to the Gutenberg press, which completely revolutionized the industry of publishing, to the wondrous world of the Internet, here we are!

When we think about it in these terms, it should make us realize the importance of ensuring the information we share is worthy of sharing and that it positively represents our businesses.
How Not to Blog
It is equally as important to think about what to do and what not to do when we blog if we want to make our efforts count.

My List of 5 Blogging Don’ts

1. Don’t be dishonest. Full disclosure is the name of the game in blogging. If you try to trick the public, it will come back to haunt you.

2. Don’t practice the “All About Me” style. It is much better to engage in sharing your information with others and help them to share theirs too.

3. Don’t be one-sided. Sometimes you may get negative feedback on your blog. It is important to be ready to handle both positive and negative feedback in order to be completely transparent with your audience.

4. Don’t Blog Sporadically. If you can’t blog consistently, it is better not to blog at all. Credibility is lost when you fail to keep your information current and up-to-date.

5. Don’t forget to respond. Writing a blog is one thing, but when your readers respond, be on top of it and respond to their comments promptly.

When you blog, you want to engage your audience and become a resource for your readers. After all, you want them to come back to your blog for more good information.

So knowing what to do and what not to do will help you get your blog on the right track and keep it there.

If you have any suggestions of what has or hasn’t worked for you in your blog, leave us a comment. We would love to hear from you!

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