Six Tips For Content Promotion
Posted by: Scott Lambert
It is widely known that content marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach new customers; however, although many people now know how to create good content, few know how to promote it.
Without effective promotion this content may as well not exist, so what can be done? These six tips are designed to help those trying to improve their results.
- Research customer activity. Any successful marketing campaign starts with understanding its target market and this is no different when promotional content is the focus. It is important to know which social media platforms customers use and which blogs they read. A survey with a prize offered is a useful way to get this information, or it can be estimated from demographic data.
- Invest in personnel. It is important to have staff members with the right skills and natural abilities to do the job of content promotion well, in addition to doing the writing. This may mean needing two different people or, as the business grows, a dedicated team. In the meantime, bringing in contractors can provide more flexibility.
- Develop a strategy. In order to build up an effective campaign, content needs to be promoted consistently across different media but in a way that accounts for the strengths and weaknesses of each. Short but wide-reaching campaigns tend to be the most effective and do not test user patience.
- Pick the right times. Each promotional medium has a different ideal time to publish to reach the maximum number of target customers. A well-planned campaign can stagger posts to reach users as they move across different media over the course of a day.
- Personalize promotion. By focusing on small groups of potential customers, it is possible to build loyalty in niche markets. Posting content on niche blogs and promoting it through related forums or with affiliated Twitter hashtags is one good way to approach this.
- Build a brand. Every content-focused post should double as a brand builder by using the company name or associated phrases or images. This is not about promoting the brand directly but about building customer familiarity with it; therefore, the hard sell should be avoided. Well-written content should always feel like a gift to the reader and not like an advert.
Once users grow familiar with getting good content from a particular brand, they will come back for more. The next step is to focus on shareable promotional material so the users can do the job of promotion themselves.