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Does Your Website Have What it Takes to Stay in Google's Search Results? - Part Two

In my article last week, I talked about some of the new changes to Google’s algorithm and how it impacts your website’s rankings. One of those changes was the[...]

Does Your Website Have What it Takes to Stay in Google?s Search Results?

Last month we talked about Google’s latest major algorithm change and how it has definitely shaken things up in the search results. The update (called Panda for[...]

Search Engine Marketing Success - Part 2

In part one of this article, I covered some of the factors that are critical to your search engine marketing success. In today's blog post, I'll cover the rest,[...]

Search Engine Marketing Success - Part 1

Search Engines Dominate Online Lead Generation and Sales

Because I Paid for Submission, am I Guaranteed a Higher Ranking?

No, you do not need to pay for inclusion into a search engine. The search engines will find your website once another website, that has already been included in a[...]

What are Key Phrases and Why are they Important?

Key phrases are search terms people use when they are trying to find information on the Internet. They enter key phrases in the search box hoping they will receive a[...]

What is Relevancy and Why is it Important?

Relevancy is a huge determining factor for rankings. Search engines use various methods to determine the relevancy of your Web site for the key phrases people use to[...]

Do All Search Engines Use the Same Criteria for Ranking Sites?

No. Each search engine uses their own algorithm to determine rankings. That is why many times your Web site may rank well on some search engines and not quite as[...]

Can All Web Developers do Search Engine Marketing?

Definitely not. Search engine optimization is a science. Very few Web developers have been trained in the unique strategies of search engine marketing. Using meta[...]
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