Xcellimark, a leading digital marketing agency headquartered in Orlando, Florida, was selected by Expertise LLC as one of the Best Advertising Agencies in Orlando[...]
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As I scrambled to get ready to leave town for the holidays, I was desperately looking for a book that my wife wanted to find. As I rumbled through boxes looking for[...]
Wishing you a Happy Hanukkah, the Merriest Christmas and a blest Holiday Season! We hope we can help make 2015 a great year for you.
For over 2 years Xcellimark has managed the Digital Marketing strategy and implementation for Winter Park Oral Surgery, a maxillofacial and oral surgery practice[...]
Digital Marketing Agency Xcellimark recently launched a new realtor marketing system for Simply Florida Real Estate. Simply Florida Real Estate is comprised of a[...]
Orlando's award-winning digital marketing agency Xcellimark recently worked with PlusOne Solutions® to launch an updated and responsive website optimized for all[...]
The end of the year always sees a flurry of interesting sales statistics released, and this year is no exception. One of the most dramatic stories to emerge from[...]
Wishing You Peace, Joy and Prosperity in the Coming Year The staff at Xcellimark would like to take a moment to wish you a very happy holiday season and a blessed[...]
Orlando-based digital marketing agency Xcellimark has once again been recognized as one of the Top 30 link building firms by TopSEOs, one of the leading authorities[...]
Orlando interactive digital agency Xcellimark recently launched a new website for one of the largest CPA firms in Central Florida, Averett Warmus Durkee (AWD). The[...]
This Friday (10/26) Xcellimark continues its 6-part monthly workshop series on Internet Marketing Strategies. In the past, we’ve discussed the important of strategy[...]
For 11 years, Xcellimark has been generating leads for its customers and partners. Each day those leads are tracked and the online marketing campaigns are closely[...]
Orlando Interactive Agency Xcellimark ranked 27 on this month’s list of the top 30 link building firms. TopSEOs’ monthly ranking is a dependable guide to the best in[...]
Xcellimark has been ranked 27th in this month’s list of the top 30 link building firms. TopSEOs monthly ranking is a dependable guide to the best in the Internet[...]
Xcellimark recently redesigned and expanded the culinary arts school directory website www.cooking-culinary-arts-schools.org to make it easier for aspiring chefs and[...]
Orlando Interactive Agency Xcellimark is One Round Closer to Winning Social Madness and Donating $10
Orlando digital agency Xcellimark has advanced to the third and final round of competition in the Orlando Business Journal’s Social Madness competition. Social[...]
Xcellimark and the Orlando Business Journal have partnered to provide a Professional Development Workshop series to educate local business professionals on how they[...]
In my monthly blog articles I normally talk about either something that is going on within the “Internet marketing” community or about one of our clients. This month[...]
The second round of the Orlando Business Journal’s Social Madness competition started today and now there are only four companies left, including Orlando digital[...]
Orlando Interactive Digital Agency Xcellimark has ranked again as one of the top 30 link building agencies. This month marks the 16th time in a row that Xcellimark[...]
With employee family members currently serving in the Armed Forces and retired military within the group, Orlando Interactive Digital Agency Xcellimark is very[...]
Xcellimark, an award-winning Interactive Digital Agency in Orlando, will be presenting on the key areas businesses should focus on for online success at the Tampa[...]
Xcellimark recently ranked on the Orlando Business Journal’s list for the Top 5 Digital Media companies in Orlando.
Orlando Interactive Agency Xcellimark ranked in the top 30 firms nationwide for this month's list of the top link building companies. TopSEOs' monthly ranking is a[...]
Over the last year, Xcellimark has partnered with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (www.frla.org) to educate and empower restaurant owners/operators[...]
Over the last year, Xcellimark has partnered with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (www.frla.org) to educate and empower restaurant owners/operators[...]