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10 Common Mistakes Salespeople Make in Social Media

A key component of digital marketing has to do with harnessing the power of social media to make connections and sell products and services. Whatever goods or[...]

This is How to Actually Engage with More Sales Prospects

Do you think people make their buying decisions mainly based off logical considerations of product or service features? If you are shaking your head “yes,” and if I[...]
Behind the Scenes from Busting 23 of the Most Popular Marketing Myths

Behind the Scenes from Busting 23 of the Most Popular Marketing Myths

“Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition and myth frame our response “ - Arthur M. Schlesinger Science and technology… Isn’t that[...]
Feeling Competitive? Here's how to crush your competition with epic blog content...

How to Crush Your Competition with Epic Blog Content

Let’s be honest. If you’re a marketer, you already know how to blog and probably don’t know what I could possibly say that you don’t already know. I agree.[...]

The Shockingly Simple Steps to Creating Great Content

Content is King. We've all heard it a million times. If you haven't, I’m honored to be the first one you hear it from. Everyone talks about content. Everyone loves[...]
Wait...Why Are We Talking About Our Feelings Now?

Wait...Why Are We Talking About Our Feelings Now?

This is not the type of blog article that I usually write, but it is just as important for successful marketing, sales, B2B relationships, B2C relationships,[...]
Why Doing A Competitive Analysis Is The Best Way To Be Successful

Why Doing A Competitive Analysis Is The Best Way To Be Successful

Have you ever watched a performance of yours and had that overwhelming flush of heat on your face from embarrassment because you thought you did way better than you[...]

How To Market In The 3 Top Tools Where Engineers Research

Recently I was on The Civil Engineering Podcast being interviewed by Anthony Fasano, PE on the topic of marketing for Civil Engineering firms. (Before you stop[...]

Warning! This Is How To Stop Being Sleazy To Your Sales Prospects

I don't know about you, but a couple of people reading this article might relate to this feeling:
The 7 Best Ways to Connect With Your Top Sales Leads - Via Xcellimark Blog.png

The 7 Best Ways to Connect with Your Top Sales Leads

Lately, I have been writing about aligning Inbound Sales with Inbound Marketing in order to increase leads, productivity, revenue, and cohesiveness. Last week, I[...]

Why "Identifying" Your Sales Lead Is A Brilliant Sales Move

I was sitting in a meeting room at HubSpot Headquarters in Boston, alongside my small group of peers. We were the beta group for their Inbound Sales Training and we[...]

How to Win Prospects and Influence Powerful People

It is no surprise that lead generation is still the number one marketing challenge across all industries. It is also no surprise that converting those generated[...]

The Sneak Peek Into Our Competitive Analysis Results

Over the last month, Scott Lambert, CEO of Xcellimark, published two eye-opening articles about how to beat your competitors online. You may have read the one[...]

Want to Know How To Be The Leader in the Engineering Industry? The Solution is Actually Simple.

Recently I was discussing different theories as to why the engineering and construction industries are lagging in the world of digital marketing with our CEO, Scott[...]

6 Traits That Pokemon Go & Inbound Marketing Have In Common (Infographic)

Pokemon Go, as of July 6th, is the latest craze. And let’s just say I never thought I would be the socially awkward person in the group by not playing it. Making an[...]

3 Insanely Valuable Ways Your HR Department Can Benefit From Marketing Automation

Bill Gates once said, “The key for us has always been hiring very smart people.” Well I think that is a great plan and idea, but HR (Human Resources) teams are[...]

Why Your Company Can’t Afford to Rely Solely on Word of Mouth for Lead Generation

Word of mouth can do wonders for your business. We’ve heard it all before – happy customers are what generates referrals. After all, what’s stronger social proof[...]
Free Yourself from Isolated Marketing Technologies | Xcellimark Blog

Holy Silos! Free Yourself from Isolated Marketing Technologies

Until recently, digital marketers have had to cobble together numerous technology “silos,” trying to optimize and integrate the different platforms in order to get[...]

3 Wicked Marketing Mistakes Engineers Need To Avoid

Steve Jobs once said: “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.” That’s[...]

Marketing Civil Engineering Firms Today – An Interview On The Civil Engineering Podcast

Recently I had the honor of being interviewed by the inspirational, Anthony Fasano, PE on The Civil Engineering Podcast. The topic was about marketing for civil[...]

The Crucial Case For Case Studies

Recently, my team and I at Xcellimark were doing a competitive analysis for a major firm who wanted to know how their digital marketing strategies were performing[...]

Never Ignore Post-Sales Lead Nurturing. Here’s Why!

After years of experience and research, we have found a common thread within all industries and feel the need to address the problem: Lead nurturing post-sales. Lead[...]

Give Your IT Customers What They Want Through Personalized Marketing

Have you heard the latest? It’s not about you anymore. I know that hurts and it may be a little bit shocking, but marketing is no longer about you, your products or[...]

Inbound Marketing Like the Big Boys. You Can Do It!

In today's business landscape, the consumer has more power than ever. Search engines, social media and other Internet resources have empowered people to educate[...]

3 Tips for Establishing Yourself as the Top Dog Realtor in Your Area

About 2 million real estate licensees remain active on average and the number of real estate brokerage firms nationwide is approaching 100,000, according to[...]
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