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Are Multiple-Page Sites Worthwhile?

Having lots of pages on a website does not automatically mean that it will receive a more favorable ranking from Google, said Matt Cutts yesterday. This will come as[...]

Facebook Custom Audiences Open Up New Opportunities

Facebook has long offered tools to help businesses target specific sets of customers; however, for the first time, it is now making it possible for them to target a[...]

Facebook Updates Page Insights

There have been big developments for social media marketing experts this week as Facebook has rolled out updates to its Page Insights system.

How to Get it Right With Twitter

Keeping a Twitter feed active can be expensive in terms of time and money. With retweets and favorites revealing only a limited part or the picture, how can a[...]

Bing Releases Searchable Image Text System

What if the text in images could be read by a search system as easily as text on a web page? This is the thinking behind Bing’s new smart search system. Drawing on[...]

Why Internet Businesses Love Likes

In the world of Internet business, social media marketing content that attracts many "likes" is considered by some to be worth its weight in gold. They are probably[...]

New Facebook Algorithm to Change the Game for Advertisers

Facebook is once again revising the way it prioritizes the stories that users see. A series of new updates aiming to push popular stories to the top looks set to[...]

Boost Your Site Profile with Topical Twitter Content

How can a business get its site noticed more on Twitter? Making effective use of topical content on a business website can really make a difference; what is more, it[...]

Meet Mixbit, The New Online Video App

Sometimes one waits years for a mobile-friendly video marketing app and then three come along at once. Hot on the heels of Vine and Instagram comes Mixbit, a new[...]

Increasing Local Visibility with Google Maps Apps

Local business owners looking for a new way to strengthen their advertising campaigns will be pleased to hear about the latest developments at Google Maps. With[...]

Are Meta Tags Still Important to Your Site's Success?

Meta tags, which Wikipedia describes as a way to portray information about your site, are capable of letting anyone who takes a look at your site's information in[...]

Search Engine Marketing Ties Everything Together

Successful search engine marketing campaigns demand expertly optimized content and close monitoring of metrics that can determine its effectiveness. To maximize your[...]

5 Lessons Cats Teach Us about Creating Blissfully Mindless Content

When creating content, it is easy to get focused on educational content that teaches the readers something important.

Idiosyncrasies of Marketing in the Digital Era

In years past, marketing meant making sure that potential customers understood the value of your brand or product. Candice Landau, of Xanthos Marketing, explains[...]

Orlando Digital Marketing Agency Xcellimark Named Among Top 30 Link Building Firms for June 2013

Orlando-based digital marketing agency Xcellimark has once again been recognized as one of the Top 30 link building firms by TopSEOs, one of the leading authorities[...]

Your Ideal Prospects: 3 Steps to Finding Them

The ideal prospects can make you money, bring in other customers and are easy to work with. But, how do you find and keep these types of customers?

How NOT To Respond To Negative Reviews Online (aka How to Make People Hate Your Brand)

The way a business owner handles all of the chatter on the Web about his or her own business is very important. If a business responds negatively to a customer, they[...]

Pinterest Strategy: Are You Pinning With Purpose?

In the article “Pinterest Strategy: Are You Pinning with Purpose?” the author explores the ways in which Pinterest may be useful to a business owner. The piece[...]

Brand Marketers Must Manage Digital Content to Increase Traffic

Digital content marketing forces modern companies to take direct control of their output in order to foster more productive consumer dialogue. A recent case study of[...]

Google's Matt Cutts Awarded Patent on Detecting Hidden Text & Hidden Links

One of Google's systems currently in place has been used for three years and is just now receiving its patent. This article gives a brief explanation of the patent[...]

Content Writing: Visibility, Thought Leadership and Conversions

The Internet is no longer a monochrome mass of size-12 Times New Roman font, bright blue links and dense paragraphs of poorly optimized copy. These days, successful[...]

Xcellimark Launches a New Website with Modern Design & Third-Party Integration for Averett Warmus

Orlando interactive digital agency Xcellimark recently launched a new website for one of the largest CPA firms in Central Florida, Averett Warmus Durkee (AWD). The[...]

The Importance of Balancing SEO and Engaging Copy in Your Content Marketing Strategy

Whether you're a veteran Web marketer or a digital newbie, content marketing is crucial to your Internet marketing strategy. Thanks to changing consumer tastes and[...]

Creating Content To Earn Incoming Links

One of the key ways that search engines like Google rank webpages is through the number of quality incoming links directed to the site. Kumail Hemani, writing for[...]

Mining Social Data to Create a Content Strategy

Most marketers are already aware of just how important social media can be, and many companies, products, brands and celebrities already use channels like Facebook[...]

Quick Answers to Common Questions About Content Marketing

Joe Pulizzi wrote an informative article for the Content Marketing Institute to help marketing professionals and amateurs understand the basics of content marketing.[...]
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