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21 Ways Certified Digital Marketers Can Increase ROI

The investment in training your marketing personnel to become more effective Digital Marketers really pays off. It creates ROI in a number of key areas in any[...]
How Certified Digital Marketers Generate Higher Customer Growth | Xcellimark Training

How Certified Digital Marketers Generate Higher Customer Growth

Wondering about the value of having a Digital Marketing Professional on your payroll? According to McKinley Marketing Partners, Digital Marketing was the most[...]

20 Reasons Executives Must Invest in the Best Digital Marketing Training Now

As an executive, most of your day-to-day tasks are spent planning for the growth and development of your company. In nearly all situations, your goal is to move to[...]
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What Is Digital Marketing - And Why Should I Care?

What is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing is an essential form of educating the world about your products or services. It’s also one of the most misunderstood[...]

8 Powerful Reasons to Upgrade Your Website Content Management System (CMS) Now

They wanted my assessment on their digital support systems and the framework they are using for their online marketing and publishing.Recently I received a request[...]
Content Marketing

Top 4 Reasons Why Content Creation is a Marketer's Biggest Challenge

I was chatting recently with members of the Orlando HUG (HubSpot User Group) at a workshop that we were having about content marketing. Most people that I talked to[...]
How to Create the Ultimate Competitive Analysis Strategy | Xcellimark Blog

How to Create the Ultimate Competitive Analysis Strategy

Much of your company’s success today, and in the future, will be determined by the effectiveness of your online digital marketing efforts. Therefore, it’s vital that[...]

How to Be Successful by Creating The Best Digital Marketing Strategy

Taking it Back to Where it all Began: 1983 I have been in marketing and sales for the technology industry since 1983. I understand that 34 years date me a bit, but I[...]

Warning: 25 Reasons Your B2B Lead Generation Is Failing (And How To Fix It)

Lead generation is a key part of your company’s marketing and sales efforts in order to grow revenue. Whether your company sells in a B2B market or handles complex[...]
How Tp Get Your Prospects To Act Through Powerful CTAs

How To Get Your Prospects To Act Through Powerful CTAs

Ho ho ho, the holidays are here! Everyone is spreading their holiday cheer and anxiously awaiting their favorite day of the season to arrive, whether it's[...]
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7 Big Marketing Mistakes Engineers Make (& Why You Need To Avoid Them)

You might say that I have a soft spot, in fact a fascination and high respect for engineers. My three daughters would be rolling their eyes at me right now saying[...]

The Prelude to Discovering Where Your Competitors Are Beating You

Throughout my 20 years of Internet marketing experience, I have learned that monitoring your competitors can provide invaluable insights into their strengths,[...]

[SlideShare] Warning: 25 Reasons Your B2B Lead Generation Is Failing (And How To Fix It)

In B2B and complex B2C types of businesses, generating quality sales leads is a critical part of your Marketing department's efforts. In fact, Xcellimark conducted a[...]

5 Winning Habits of Digital Marketers You Want To Copy

Inbound marketing attracts customers by focusing on creating content that your ideal buyer is looking for in order to create engagement and to build relationships.[...]

My Steady Client Base Means No More Marketing – Right?

One of the biggest mistakes that somecompanies make is assuming there’s no need for marketing once a solid client base is established. They believe these clients[...]

3 Motivations for Law Firms to Use Social Media to Win Clients

Collectively, law firms are notoriously late implementers of new technology. This has been especially true when it comes to using social media for marketing[...]

5 Inbound Marketing Strategies CMOs Can Use to Convert More Leads

Every month, thousands of businesses discover and implement inbound marketing strategies to improve their lead generation metrics and close more sales. To create a[...]

Attention Marketing Managers: Here's 8 Ways to Optimize Your Online Conversions

If you're wondering how to optimize your online conversions, you're asking yourself the same question as countless marketing managers who have come before you.

7 Tips to Help Your Sales Team Sell More

We've discussed many inbound marketing tactics and strategies in previous posts, but we've noticed that marketers often overlook two of the more "salesy" aspects of[...]

7 Ways to Re-Engage Contacts through Email Marketing

According to HubSpot, the average email marketing list loses 25 percent of its contacts every year. For many businesses, that rate of decay is simply unacceptable.[...]

5 Powerful Tactics to Help Your Sales Team Close More Leads

Help your sales team guide more qualified leads to closing and empower them to build a bigger base of repeat customers with these five (5) simple, sales-centric[...]

5 Tactics to Attract More Visitors to Your Website

Inbound marketing is the science of attracting, converting, closing and delighting prospects. It's the most cost-effective means of turning casual Web surfers into[...]

More Leads? Yes Please! Use these 5 Blog Optimization Tips to Drive Website Traffic

Maximizing your blog's ROI isn't quite as simple as writing a blog post about the first topic that comes to your mind each day. It's not even as simple as hiring a[...]

7 Ways Marketing Managers Can Grow Leads with a Lead-Nurturing Workflow

"Workflow" is the buzzword of the day – maybe even the year. Even if you're not one to jump on the latest corporate-speak bandwagon, it's not hard to see how a[...]

5 Strategies for a Cost-Effective Content Marketing Strategy

You've heard the old sayings: "Nothing in life is free," "there's no such thing as a free lunch," and so on. These clichés certainly apply to the myriad of content[...]

4 Tips to Fully Integrate Your Company's Branding, Marketing & Strategic Vision

How's your digital strategy looking these days? If not so good, there’s hope. Fortunately, creating a comprehensive digital strategic vision isn't only possible,[...]
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