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Twitter Introduces New Marketing Option

Over the past few years Twitter has become influential enough to be a serious contender in social media marketing; however, it has always struggled to monetize its[...]

Facebook Expands Ad Targeting Options

Facebook is offering an expanded range of ad options to marketers, which is great news for those working in local search. A new geography tagging system will make it[...]

Facebook To Buy WhatsApp

In a deal that has shocked the markets, Facebook has agreed to spend $19bn in order to acquire the mobile messaging start-up WhatsApp, which has enjoyed a meteoric[...]

Facebook Seeks More Small Business Customers

Less than two weeks after the social media giant reported its best-ever quarterly results, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has been talking about the importance of its[...]

Facebook Forecasts Are Looking Good

Judging by the way the markets are behaving in anticipation of Facebook’s annual earnings report, which will be released tomorrow, it seems that reports of the[...]

Pinterest Creates Personalized Home Pages

When Pinterest declared last summer that it was looking at new ways of personalizing comment, some people in the social media marketing business wondered if this[...]

Facebook Extends Its Ad Network

After hinting at the possibility for years, Facebook has finally begun testing a new approach to advertising by delivering ads directly to third-party mobile apps.[...]

Like Farming Causes Problems For Facebook

Every business trying to grow its presence on Facebook has sought to have people "like" its page and posts, but recent discoveries have revealed a darker side to an[...]

What Is Trending On Facebook?

After running tests on small groups of users last summer, Facebook has now launched a Trending section alongside its newsfeed. Competing directly with Twitter, this[...]

Twitter Refreshed To Reflect Mobile Interface

Twitter is rolling out a new look this week; however, it is one that some users will already be familiar with, as the interface used for IOS and Android has been[...]

Study Reveals Where Top Retailers Source Traffic

A new study looking at the online social activity of 900 top-rated retail companies over 2013 has found that Facebook is their number one choice for paid[...]

Yelp Ordered To Identify Reviewers

There has been an alarm in Yelp circles this week due to a court’s decision to order that the identities of seven of its reviewers be revealed. The decision follows[...]

No More Sponsored Stories On Facebook

The social media giant has announced that sponsored stories are to disappear from Facebook effective April 9th. Due to their high potential for conversion, sponsored[...]

Comic Strips May Go Social With Google

Turning a conversation into a comic strip – it is not new, but it could function in a new way. A patent filed by Google this week suggests that the search engine[...]

Google Admits Social Media Mistake

It was the company's biggest mistake, said Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt, and it will never happen again. He was referring to his failure to anticipate “the[...]

New Study Seeks To Explain Facebook Youth Exodus

It has been clear for some time that Facebook has been struggling to hold on to the youth market, and one study has looked at the reasons why this is occurring. It[...]

Android Ambitions Spur New Facebook Purchase

As it launches a new look for its Android app, it would seem that Facebook is also in the market for a new way of analyzing its performance. The social networking[...]

Twitter Goes Local

There have already been a lot of changes at Twitter since its floatation last month, and now the social network is making a move into the local search market. The[...]

Facebook And Mark Zuckerberg To Face IPO Lawsuit

It is over a year and a half since it happened, but a court ruling revealed yesterday means that Facebook is now set to face charges over the handling of its[...]

Facebook Hires Artificial Intelligence Expert

Yesterday this blog reported on the transfer of machine learning expert Blaise Agüera y Arcas from Microsoft to Google. Today we can report that Facebook is also[...]

New Facebook Video Ad Plans Revealed

A copy of a presentation deck designed by Facebook for marketing its new video ad scheme was yesterday obtained by TechCrunch and has sparked intense debate within[...]

Instagram Direct Speeds Up Targeted Photo Sharing

Instagram has a new feature as of this week, and it is one with interesting potential for internet marketers. Instagram Direct provides a new option for quickly[...]

Get Noticed On Twitter

Sometimes it can feel as if endless effort goes into Twitter without very much coming back out. There is so much happening on there, all formatted in much the same[...]

Pay To Play, Facebook Tells Businesses

Facebook says it is about making the user experience on its network more enjoyable. Critics say it is all about the money. Either way, Facebook has now admitted that[...]

US Mobile Search Market Worth Nearly $4bn

By the end of this year the mobile search market will be worth $3.8bn, according to a new report by Forrester Research. Meanwhile, wireless payment services provider[...]

The Rise And Rise Of Video Sharing

Everyone knew it was a growing phenomenon, but new data that reveals just how much the popularity of online video sharing has grown is taking even experts by[...]
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