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How to Use Social Media Marketing to Grow Your Business

Now is a great time to use social media to connect and engage with your target audiences. Whether you are helping them reach their goals or overcome challenges they[...]
4 Easiest Steps to the Best Marketing Assessment Plans | Xcellimark Blog

These Are The 4 Easiest Steps to The Best Marketing Assessment Plans

We recently updated a comprehensive digital marketing strategy guide to help business and marketing professionals learn how to create the best digital marketing[...]
Content Marketing

Top 4 Reasons Why Content Creation is a Marketer's Biggest Challenge

I was chatting recently with members of the Orlando HUG (HubSpot User Group) at a workshop that we were having about content marketing. Most people that I talked to[...]
How to Create the Ultimate Competitive Analysis Strategy | Xcellimark Blog

How to Create the Ultimate Competitive Analysis Strategy

Much of your company’s success today, and in the future, will be determined by the effectiveness of your online digital marketing efforts. Therefore, it’s vital that[...]

How to Be Successful by Creating The Best Digital Marketing Strategy

Taking it Back to Where it all Began: 1983 I have been in marketing and sales for the technology industry since 1983. I understand that 34 years date me a bit, but I[...]

Super Bowl Ad Secrets: 6 Principles to Creating The Best Ads

So, what’s more exciting to you: Watching the Super Bowl or, Watching the highly-anticipated-because-they-are-so-outrageously-priced advertisements? Personally, I[...]
The 7 Best Ways to Connect With Your Top Sales Leads - Via Xcellimark Blog.png

The 7 Best Ways to Connect with Your Top Sales Leads

Lately, I have been writing about aligning Inbound Sales with Inbound Marketing in order to increase leads, productivity, revenue, and cohesiveness. Last week, I[...]

Want to Know How To Be The Leader in the Engineering Industry? The Solution is Actually Simple.

Recently I was discussing different theories as to why the engineering and construction industries are lagging in the world of digital marketing with our CEO, Scott[...]

How To Avoid Being a "Social Media Wallflower"

While the RFP model is still a critical source of business for most engineering and construction firms, it's no longer enough to simply sit back and wait for[...]

What Do the Latest Google Plus Updates Mean For Your Business?

The tech industry resembles the political world in one important way: It's rife with speculation about who's "up" and who's "down" at any given time. Lately, there's[...]

Facebook: The Good, the Bad and the Just Plain Weird

Once the novelty of something wears off, it's only a matter of time before it's appropriate to poke fun at it. With Facebook entering its second decade of existence,[...]

How to Get Started (and Succeed) on Instagram

In the space of just a few years, social media marketing has become an indispensable tool for business owners and marketers.

3 Social Media Mistakes You Shouldn’t Even Think About Making (Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You!)

Your company might have a killer value proposition that gets to the core of what you offer, but it's bound to be of limited utility if you aren't using all available[...]

Beyond Twitter: 4 Other Social Media Networks to Master

In the world of online content marketing, things move fast. A decade ago, there was no such thing as social media marketing.

4 Easy Twitter Strategies for Content Marketing Success

As one of the most popular social media platforms for companies in the digital marketing world, Twitter represents a key tool in your business's content marketing[...]

Utilize Twitter As A Listening Tool To Find Prospects

Twitter has grown enormously in quite a short time. Over that time this social media tool has developed to include direct messaging and hashtags, and a wide variety[...]

How to Create an Attention-Grabbing Instagram Profile

I don't know about you, but I'm an Instagram addict! At any time of the day (or night), I can be seen grabbing my phone or tablet to scroll through my feed for the[...]

Social Networking Trends Revealed In New Research

It is important for content marketing professionals to know which social network sites are best used for different types of content; while one platform might be[...]

Pinterest Introduces New Gift Feed Feature

Smart content marketers have increasingly been taking an interest in Pinterest in recent months. Pinterest offers fantastic opportunities for the visually[...]

Using Twitter To Drive Sales

There is an extremely fine line when it comes to self-promotion on social networks. Push for sales too much and people are quickly turned off, with negativity[...]

Simple Facebook Tactics For Marketing Strategies

Facebook marketing can seem extremely daunting for the unprepared; in fact, any form of social media marketing can put fear into many executives. There are some easy[...]

New Survey Reveals Twitter Weaknesses And Strengths

Experiencing a post-IPO slump is hardly unusual for a large internet-focused company. Twitter has been nowhere near as badly hit as Facebook was in 2012;[...]

Facebook Updates Business Pages

After a long time spent making promises, Facebook finally got around to updating their business pages last week, and they are looking good. For a start the pages now[...]

Fan Promotion On Pinterest

No matter how much money might be saved by taking a DIY approach to online marketing, it can be costly in terms of time. Wouldn’t it be better to get your customers[...]

Yahoo Gets Tough

For the past four years Yahoo has pursued a strategy of friendliness and cooperation, allowing people who wanted to access its search and other services to login[...]

Online Video Marketing Continues To Grow

Over the past couple of years, online video has increasingly been hailed as a revolutionary force in content marketing, but now there are some figures to back up the[...]
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